
Nora Kärkkäinen

VP Business Development, Valona Intelligence

Nora has 10+ years of experience within business and market intelligence in several organizations. Nora advises Valona’s clients in intelligence development – to optimize an organization's intelligence activities and to develop those into a competitive advantage. Her approach is multidisciplinary and collaborative – combining analytics and customer-centric thinking with team work. She has a solid track record in project management and designing and leading workshops.
Nora is passionate about futures thinking – she has made a master’s thesis on strategic foresight and she has a book upcoming on the topic too!


Valona Intelligence

Valona Intelligence is the recognized leader in the market and competitive intelligence since 1999, formerly known as M-Brain*. Combining the power of generative AI and analyst expertise, Valona provides businesses with the most crucial insights and to enable insights-driven decisions. Valona sends over 200,000 news alerts serving over 350,000 business users every day, with insights from hundreds of thousands of trusted industry-specific sources globally in over 100 languages. All translated into clean business summaries in English and presented in clear formats easy to share.